25 - 26 February 2023
Were you able
to start a new life
in 2023?

If still no, join the transformational retreat 'Manifest your 2023'!
You will get new tools to live the life you want, to start moving towards your manifestations, dreams and plans.
You will be closer to themselves and a harmony in life.
It will bring you closer to the life you want, this retreat will help you to start implementing the plans and make a change.
Maria Rakotonarivo
Director of Theatre BELOE and actress, art therapist, coach
Maria has been closely connected to the theatre since she was 6 years old. As a little girl she was introduced to a magic of the scene and grew being on the stage. For all her life she was choosing theatre as the only right path for her, learning from the masters (Meisner method, London International School of Performing Arts, East Carolina University) and working with her own students. Maria is in a constant process of learning, broadening and deepening her skills as a professional. She is a certified business and life coach, and besides group acting and storytelling classes in the theatre, she performs 1:1 coaching within the methods of art-therapy and Symbol Drama.

28 years of theatre practice
12 years of teaching and directing

Students from all over the world: Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine, USA, Italy, France, China etc.

Maria Rakotonarivo
Director of Theatre BELOE and actress, art therapist, coach
Maria has been closely connected to the theatre since she was 6 years old. As a little girl she was introduced to a magic of the scene and grew being on the stage. For all her life she was choosing theatre as the only right path for her, learning from the masters (Meisner method, London International School of Performing Arts, East Carolina University) and working with her own students. Maria is in a constant process of learning, broadening and deepening her skills as a professional. She is a certified business and life coach, and besides group acting and storytelling classes in the theatre, she performs 1:1 coaching within the methods of art-therapy and Symbol Drama.

28 years of theatre practice
12 years of teaching and directing

Students from all over the world: Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine, USA, Italy, France, China etc.

All the plans and resolutions for a new life demand one thing: new behavioral patterns. Bur we always forget about it and try to build something new with old instruments. The promises to start a new life from Monday do not work, because Monday usually starts by the same old you with the same old life approaches.
February 25-25
We give you a second chance.

Join a 2-day transformational retreat to kick off your 2023 goals!

Full price - 360 CHF
310 CHF*
* until February 9
Join us!
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